JobsCopilot and the job market rebound
2 min read

JobsCopilot and the job market rebound

Today let's talk about the rebound of the job market, and the data I'm seeing on the JobsCopilot backend.


I'm Sergio Pereira, and this is the Remote Work newsletter 👋

Last week, I wrote about about the wide range of salaries in remote work, the disparities between countries, and how to negotiate your remote salary.

Today let's talk about the rebound of the job market, and the data I'm seeing on the JobsCopilot backend.

The scraper runs every week. It crawls career pages of ~400.000 companies and detects any new job that gets published by any of them.

This week we've had an addition of 117k jobs to the market. September is certainly a hot month in the recruiting space, with people coming back from summer vacation in a large part of the world, OKRs being defined, and action being taken to hire new people.

After all filters, there's a net new ~117k jobs available this week, which is a record ever since I started scraping the job market for JobsCopilot:

I should start doing proper reporting on these jobs soon, and break them into geographies, roles, skills, and of course remote status. I have lots of valuable data here, and already a decent run of week-on-week variations for all these parameters.

Still, my priority is JobsCopilot. The Auto-apply feature is going live this week, for now exclusively for the existing loyal customer base. It works well, I've been mass applying to jobs myself for a week, for testing's sake, and it's fun to see interviews coming in. I'm not interested in at the moment, as I'm just testing the tool I built, but many people will make good use of this to accelerate their job search.

So, if you're one of the ~300 customers of JobsCopilot, keep an eye on your email, you'll get a message from me with this exclusive launch. I look forward to your feedback!


Thanks for reading this newsletter until the end. You can read all past editions here. Make sure to share it with your friends and colleagues so they can read it too. 

If you're interested in sponsoring this newsletter, send me an email or DM.

See you next Friday,

Sergio Pereira, 
Startup CTO & Remote Work Lover

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